You can get additional items if you successfully escape the church.For everybody else, we have prepared much more: She will lock you in a cell with a hidden passage to the church. Once you've defeated Eliza, you are able to get into the hidden church on the third floor if you challenge Eliza again and loses. You should be able to easily defeat her if you have enough potions and as long as you're not too unlucky where you get hit by water spells consecutively.

Two flips means she will use a grab (make sure to use grab block). One flip means she will use a water or thunder spell (make sure to always block). She reveals what move she will make based on the number of pages she flipped the turn before she attacks. She will always spend two turns to flip the pages of her book and then on the following turn she will make her move.

Eliza has very distinct attack pattern. She is a water/thunder user so fire attacks barely do any damage. Make sure to stock up on plenty of healing potions when battling her. Eliza has a lot of HP so be prepared for a long battle. Do not surrender to Yvonne three times in a row as that will cause you to become addicted to her boots and you will take extra damage during battle. Make sure to have mana potions in stock before you fight her. You should be able to easily defeat her by spamming ember. She is much more stronger without her boots on so make sure to never take off her boots during battle. Yvonne has two separate battle forms, with boots on and without boots. If her HP goes below half, she will always use a potion to heal in the turn after. Make sure to always block on the turns that she uses her special attack.

She will power up on the fifth turn and will use her grab on the eighth turn. She will typically unleash her special attack on the third and sixth turn. Scarlett's attack pattern is predetermined but can be disrupted if enough damage is dealt to her. When you have 4-5 Health potions (and possibly a DEF or ATK potion) you should be able to outlast and defeat her by simply cycling between punches, blocks (for her triple-hit), and healing as necessary. Fight the first boss at your leisure, collecting potions and buying/crafting potions with your rewards from losing. At the beginning of the game, go to the left and speak to Keith, which unlocks the shop. The prisoners on each floor give you tactical hints but the mechanics are mostly straightforward. The objective of the game is to defeat the boss on each floor to ascend to the next floor while suffering kinky femdom defeats in the interim.